Experience convenience like never before with the EROSKI Supermercados App, your gateway to a world of savings and exclusive benefits. Simply download the app, log in or sign up, and unlock a plethora of advantages by carrying your digital EROSKI club card wherever you go. Enjoy discounts, coupons, personalized vouchers, and special offers tailored to your preferences. Stay informed about product sales, access nutritional information, and locate your nearest EROSKI store effortlessly. Discover budget-friendly recipes, create shopping lists with ease, and even explore online shopping options for ultimate convenience. Embrace sustainability by opting for digital receipts and make every purchase count towards a greener future. Transform your shopping routine with the app - where savings and quality meet in one innovative mobile platform. Download now and embark on a journey towards smarter, more efficient shopping with this app.
- Digital Card: Easily access and manage your EROSKI club digital card, allowing you to enjoy all the benefits of carrying it with you at all times.
- Personalized Savings: Receive personalized savings vouchers based on your usual purchases. Easily activate and redeem discount coupons with your EROSKI club card, all stored conveniently in one app.
- Exclusive Offers: Discover which of your favorite products are on offer at your chosen EROSKI store. Stay updated on new promotions and special discounts to save even more with exclusive deals.
- Virtual Brochures: Browse through your usual store's brochures and catalogs in a convenient and easy-to-use virtual format. Stay informed about new discounts and personalized promotions. Compare prices and find the best deals on hundreds of food items.
- Digital Receipts: Go paperless and organize your receipts with the option of digital tickets. Download and store your purchase receipts in one place, contributing to a sustainable and eco-friendly shopping experience.
- Store Locator: Find your nearest EROSKI supermarket easily and check the opening hours, crowd levels, and capacity to plan your shopping trip efficiently. Save time by choosing the best moment to go shopping with just a few taps.
Download the EROSKI Supermercados app now and start enjoying the benefits of your new savings club. With features such as personalized savings, exclusive offers, virtual brochures, digital receipts, store locators, and more, you can enhance your shopping experience and save time and money. Discover the convenience of having high-quality food from EROSKI at your fingertips, while making sustainable choices. Get started on your path to saving today!