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Join airBaltic Club, the ultimate loyalty programme for every traveller. With our innovative app, you'll unlock a world of exclusive offers and discounts. Book your flight tickets and seamlessly check in with ease. Take control of your trip by managing your bookings and enhancing your experience with additional services. Collect points effortlessly with our digital card or add it to your Wallet for convenience. Keep track of your airBaltic Club points and transactions. And the best part? Spend your points on incredible rewards! Plus, get ready to win amazing instant prizes with our addictive Shake&Win game. Don't miss out, download the app now at
- Exclusive offers and discounts: The app provides users with access to exclusive offers and discounts, making it the perfect companion for savvy travelers looking to save money on their trips.
- Flight booking and check-in: Users can easily book flight tickets and check in for flights directly through the app, saving them time and hassle before their journey.
- Trip management and additional services: The app allows users to manage their bookings and enhance their trips with additional services, such as seat upgrades or pre-ordering meals, ensuring a smooth and personalized travel experience.
- Digital loyalty card: Users can use a digital card or add it to their Wallet, making it convenient to collect points and enjoy the benefits of the airBaltic Club loyalty program.
- Point balance and transactions: The app allows users to conveniently check their airBaltic Club point balance and monitor their transactions, ensuring they stay up-to-date with their rewards and benefits.
- Rewards and instant prizes: Users can use their airBaltic Club points to redeem rewards and even have the chance to win instant prizes through the Shake&Win game, adding an element of excitement to their loyalty program.
In conclusion, the airBaltic Club app offers an array of features designed to enhance the travel experience for every user. From exclusive offers and discounts to convenient booking and trip management, this app provides an all-in-one solution for travelers. With the ability to easily collect and redeem loyalty points, users can enjoy the rewards of their membership. Download the app now and start enjoying the benefits of the airBaltic Club loyalty program. More information can be found at