Package ID:com.markmount.wadiz
Welcome to Wadiz, where stories meet possibilities. Explore a world of innovative projects and connect with makers who share your values. Receive welcome benefits and daily coupons while supporting projects that resonate with you. Discover curated collections across various categories and transform your daily life with unique items. Join our Supporter Club for exclusive perks. Whether it's tech, fashion, beauty, or beyond, Wadiz offers something for everyone. Embrace the power of community and creativity - download Wadiz today!
⭐️ Discover and connect with a community of people who share similar interests and stories, creating new possibilities in everyday life.
⭐️ Explore a wide range of innovative and diverse stories that can change your daily routine through the app.
⭐️ Take advantage of welcome benefits and receive coupons up to 10,000 won if you are a first-time user of the app, and up to 50,000 won in random coupons daily if you are a supporter of the platform.
⭐️ Stay updated with daily funding projects where new items and ideas are introduced, allowing you to support makers with shared values.
⭐️ Don't miss out on early bird price benefits exclusive to Wadiz funding. Receive notification alerts for upcoming projects and have the opportunity to fund at super early bird prices.
⭐️ Get to know the stories behind each project as makers share their journey, motivations, and creative process. Engage with makers directly through the community and fund projects that resonate with you.
Wadiz is your gateway to a world of creativity, innovation, and community. Explore, connect, and support - join Wadiz now and discover endless possibilities! Click now to download and unlock a world of possibilities.