Home > Apps > ROG VPN







Package ID:com.rogsoftwaregroup.vpn

Developer:Rog Software Group

  • Introduction

Introducing ROG VPN, the ultimate app for all your internet privacy and security needs. With a wide range of servers in over 10 countries, including USA, Australia, Canada, and more, you can choose the perfect location for your online activities. Whether you're gaming, streaming, or browsing, the app offers multiple bandwidths from different nodes to ensure the best performance for every internet activity. With just one tap, you can connect and enjoy the benefits of a secure and private network. Plus, our well-designed UI and minimal ads make for a seamless user experience. Best of all, there are no usage or time limits, no registrations or configurations required, and no additional permissions needed. Stay protected and connected with the app.

Features of ROG VPN:

- Multiple servers in over 10 country nodes: ROG VPN offers a wide range of server options to choose from, including countries like USA, Australia, Canada, France, Japan, and more. This ensures that users can find a server that meets their specific internet preferences and needs.

- Split Tunneling: With the app, you have the ability to customize which apps or software you want to connect to the VPN or remain on the open network. This feature allows for greater flexibility and control over your online activities.

- Multiple bandwidths for every internet activity: Whether you're streaming, gaming, or simply browsing the web, the app provides multiple bandwidth options from different nodes. This ensures that you get the best performance and speed for each specific internet activity.

- One-tap connect: Connecting to ROG VPN is as easy as a single tap. With a simple and intuitive interface, you can secure your internet connection with just one click.

Tips for Users:

- Customize your VPN settings: Take advantage of the split tunneling feature to select which apps or software you want to connect to the VPN. This can help optimize your online experience by routing specific traffic through the VPN while keeping other connections on the open network.

- Experiment with different server locations: Explore the various server options available in the app. Different locations may offer different advantages, such as faster speeds or better access to geo-restricted content. Try connecting to different servers to find the best performance for your specific needs.

- Optimize bandwidth for specific activities: Depending on your internet activities, you can choose the appropriate bandwidth option in the app. If you're gaming, for example, selecting a high-speed bandwidth can help reduce lag and improve your gaming experience. Similarly, choosing a lower bandwidth for casual browsing can save data and optimize performance.


ROG VPN is a feature-rich and user-friendly app that provides a secure and seamless internet experience. With its wide range of server options and customizable settings like split tunneling, users have complete control over their online activities. Whether you're browsing, gaming, or streaming, the app offers multiple bandwidth choices to optimize your internet performance. With just one tap, you can connect to a VPN server and enjoy a safer and more private online experience. Try the app today and take control of your internet preferences.


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