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Rating: 4.4







Package ID:com.ieltsliz.ieltsliz


  • Introduction

Boost your IELTS skills with the IELTS Liz app! This free Android application is your ultimate companion in preparing for the IELTS exam. Discover tips and strategies to achieve a high score, learn how to excel in the IELTS test, and practice your speaking skills with sample tests and solutions. The app also includes an audio speaking test and plenty of techniques to improve your band score. But that's not all - with IELTS Reading, you'll find invaluable information, knowledge, and practice tests with answers to help you master the reading section. Download the IELTS Liz app now and unlock your full potential in IELTS!

Features of IELTS Liz:

Practice active listening: In order to improve your listening skills, it is important to actively engage with the audio content provided in the app. Instead of simply listening passively, try to actively understand and analyze the information being presented.

Take notes while listening: Taking notes can help improve your listening comprehension and retention of information. Use the note-taking feature in the app to jot down key points, important details, or any unfamiliar vocabulary that you come across during the listening exercises.

Focus on understanding context: Listening exercises in the app may include conversations, interviews, or lectures. Pay attention to the overall context of the audio, as it can provide valuable clues to help you understand the main ideas and details being discussed.

Practice time management: In the IELTS Listening test, you will only have a limited amount of time to answer questions. Use the timed listening exercises in the app to practice managing your time effectively and improve your ability to quickly identify relevant information.

Review and analyze your mistakes: After completing a listening exercise, take the time to review your answers and identify any mistakes. Analyze the reasons behind your errors and learn from them to improve your listening skills.


With its comprehensive range of features including practice tests, speaking tips, sample speaking solutions, and audio speaking tests, the IELTS Liz app is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to improve their IELTS skills. The app's emphasis on active listening, note-taking, understanding context, time management, and self-analysis sets it apart from other IELTS preparation apps. By utilizing these playing tips and taking advantage of all the resources provided by the app, users can significantly enhance their reading skills and boost their chances of achieving a high score in the IELTS exam. Download the IELTS Liz app now and embark on your journey to IELTS success.


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