Package ID:com.goder.busquerysystemnearby
Developer:Goder Hsu
Discovering nearby places has never been easier with Nearby Places - Everything app. With a wide range of categories from restaurants to clothing stores to hospitals, you can navigate through up to 30 types of points-of-interest near your current location. Not only can you search for specific stores like McDonald's or Starbucks through voice input, but you can also explore detailed information such as ratings, photos, and business hours. Planning your route is a breeze with suggested traffic routes and the ability to share planned routes with friends. Say goodbye to getting lost and hello to convenient exploration with this app.
> Comprehensive Nearby Search Functionality
Nearby Places - Everything offers a wide range of point-of-interest categories for users to choose from, ensuring that they can easily find what they are looking for near their current location. Whether it's a restaurant, coffee shop, MRT station, or even a pet shop, this app has got it all.
> Detailed Store Information
Users can not only find nearby places but also access detailed information about each store, including photos, ratings, address, URL, business hours, and comments. This feature helps users make informed decisions about where to go.
> Customizable Searching Radius
With Nearby Places - Everything, users can set their desired searching radius, ranging from 500 meters to 7km. This customizable feature allows users to narrow down their search results and find exactly what they need within their preferred distance.
> Utilize Voice Input for Quick Searches
To speed up the search process, try using the voice input feature to quickly query specific stores such as McDonald's or Starbucks. This can save you time and effort when looking for a particular place.
> Share POI Information with Friends
Take advantage of the app's sharing capabilities and easily send POI information to your friends via LINE chat or email. This feature is perfect for coordinating meetups or recommending places to others.
> Explore Point-of-Interest Along Your Route
When planning your journey using the direction planning feature, don't forget to click on the destination location to explore nearby points of interest. This allows you to discover new places to visit along your route.
Nearby Places - Everything is a must-have app for anyone looking to quickly and efficiently find nearby places of interest. With its comprehensive search functionality, detailed store information, customizable searching radius, and convenient sharing options, this app makes exploring your surroundings a breeze. Download Nearby Places - Everything now and start discovering new and exciting places near you.