Embark on a thrilling journey through the captivating world of Girl Story, Delete Puzzle! With your trusty eraser in hand, you hold the key to solving a series of challenging brain teasers that will put your detective skills to the test. Swipe, erase, and uncover the hidden truths behind each cleverly crafted puzzle. With over 200 levels to explore and unexpected twists waiting around every corner, this game is guaranteed to keep you on your toes. Dive into a world of mystery, humor, and logic as you unravel the story one puzzle at a time. Download Girl Story, Delete Puzzle now and challenge your brain like never before!
> Unique gameplay combining logic puzzles and erasing
> 200+ brain teasers to test your skills
> No penalty for failure
> Regularly updated levels
> Pay close attention to the details before erasing
> Think outside the box and try different strategies
> Don't be afraid to experiment and make mistakes
> Take breaks if you get stuck to come back with a fresh perspective
Girl Story, Delete Puzzle is a challenging and engaging brain teaser game that will test your problem-solving skills. With its unique gameplay and a wide range of puzzles, it offers hours of fun and entertainment. Download the game now and see if you can unravel the mysteries hidden behind each level!