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  • Introduction

In "The Fixer," you step into the shoes of Samantha, an exceptional problem-solver known as a Fixer. As Samantha, you find yourself immersed in a world of intrigue and challenges, where you must tackle various issues like industrial sabotage and factional disputes. But here's the catch - Samantha's job doesn't stop when she clocks out. In fact, she must balance her demanding missions with the everyday struggles that come with life. After a harrowing incident, Samantha is taken in by the powerful forces of Blaston, a city on the brink. As she becomes their trusted Fixer, will Samantha be able to navigate the treacherous landscape of power, or will she be consumed by the darkness that engulfs the majority of Blaston's residents? The fate of the town rests in your hands.

Features of The Fixer:

* Role-Playing Experience: Take on the role of Samantha, a Fixer navigating through an adult life sim lite visual novel, making impactful decisions and facing challenging missions.

* Intriguing Challenges: Engage in investigating industrial sabotage, practicing diplomacy between factions, and tracking down troublemakers, ensuring an immersive and exciting gameplay experience.

* Dual Life Navigation: Balance Samantha's everyday life alongside her mission, providing a unique and realistic portrayal of a Fixer's struggles and responsibilities.

* Gripping Origin Stories: Uncover Samantha's captivating background story, diving into her journey from being saved by Blaston's main power base to becoming a valuable Fixer, offering an engaging narrative to explore.

* Moral Dilemmas and Choices: Tackle potentially sensitive problems using various approaches, including tact, diplomacy, or even underhanded means, allowing for a diverse range of decision-making and character development.

* Impact on Blaston: Shape the fate of the town and its power brokers through Samantha's actions, creating a sense of agency and exploring the consequences of her choices.


Experience the thrill of being a Fixer in Blaston, as you navigate Samantha's dual life, uncover intriguing origin stories, and face challenging missions. Make tough choices, solve problems, and help shape the destiny of the town. Download The Fixer now to embark on a captivating journey of strategy, morality, and adventure.


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