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Going Hard With Oniichan! APK

Going Hard With Oniichan!

Rating: 4.1







Package ID:com.sensitiveusername.gho

Developer:Retro lab

  • Introduction

Experience the ultimate thrill and excitement with "Going Hard With Oniichan!" Brace yourself as you dive into a captivating adventure alongside a mischievous little sister. This innovative app brings a unique blend of entertainment and gaming to your fingertips. With stunning graphics and an immersive storyline, you'll find yourself completely engrossed in the world of Oniichan. Embark on thrilling quests, conquer challenging levels, and unravel secrets as you unlock the true potential of your bond. Whether you're a fan of visual novels or seeking an adrenaline rush, this app promises an unforgettable experience that will keep you hooked from start to finish. Get ready to go hard with Oniichan and ignite the adventurer within you!

Features of Going Hard With Oniichan!:

❤ Cute and Charming Little Sister Character: Oniichan! introduces players to a captivating little sister character who is both adorable and full of personality. Get ready to fall in love with her irresistible charm!

❤ Engaging Storyline: Immerse yourself in an intriguing storyline as you navigate through the world of Oniichan! Uncover secrets, make crucial decisions, and experience the joys and challenges of taking care of a little sister.

❤ Interaction and Bonding: Interact with your little sister through a variety of activities and mini-games. From helping her with homework to cooking together, these interactions will deepen your bond and strengthen your relationship.

❤ Customization Options: Personalize the appearance of your little sister with diverse customization options. From choosing her clothes to styling her hair, let your creativity shine and make her uniquely yours.

Tips for Users:

❤ Pay attention to your little sister's emotional state: Observe her mood and fulfil her needs accordingly. Whether she's feeling sad, hungry, or bored, addressing her emotional needs will keep her happy and content.

❤ Unlock and complete mini-games: Engage in fun and exciting mini-games to earn rewards and unlock new activities. These mini-games not only provide entertainment but also contribute to the development of your little sister's skills.

❤ Make thoughtful choices: Throughout the game, you'll encounter various decision points. Think carefully before making choices as they can impact the storyline and your relationship with your little sister. Consider her feelings and aspirations to make the best decisions.


Going Hard With Oniichan! offers a heartwarming and immersive experience for players who want to indulge in a sisterly bond. With its charming little sister character, engaging storyline, and interactive gameplay, the app promises endless hours of enjoyment. By nurturing your little sister's emotional well-being, engaging in mini-games, and making thoughtful choices, you'll forge a deep connection and create beautiful memories together. So, dive into the world of Oniichan! and embark on a journey filled with love, growth, and companionship. Download the app now and let the enchanting adventure begin!


Going Hard With Oniichan! Screenshot1